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How to get rid of butt acne

As we know, acne not only grows on the face, but also the skin that has pores with high production intensity of sweat and oil, often exposed by dirt and also damp. No wonder, some acne is found on the back and chest, buttocks, and even the genitals.

Actually, acne in the buttocks is not a rare case. Even the case of acne on the buttocks is a very common phenomenon. However, a person's self-confidence can drop drastically in the presence of a partner if it has acne in the uncontrolled ass. Moreover, the existing pimples make the butt look spotted, striped, or even pockmarked .

The condition is feared to interfere with personal personality, or social with a partner due to a lack of sexual intercourse. For that, to overcome the acne on the buttocks become a necessity. Because the butt is one of the valuable assets, not only for you but also for your partner. Now, or in the future.

If you are looking for a solution to treat acne and blackheads on the buttocks, and make your ass free of acne forever, you're at the end of the search. Keep in mind, try at home, and get a beautiful free ass pimp that you desire now.

Causes of Acne and Blackheads on Buttocks

To combat acne attacks and blackheads in unusual parts such as buttocks, knowing the cause of acne is continually emerging is an important thing. It is useful for you to choose a preventive method for acne and blackheads not to appear on the butt again and again even after the acne has been treated and cured completely.

There are many conditions that cause pimples and blackheads to easily appear on the buttocks. (1) the area is a closed and humid area. All day heavy activities make the area of ​​the ass flooded with sweat. (2) the use and selection of inadequate underwear materials such as lycra or cotton that easily absorbs and traps the sweat so as to increase the moisture of the area around the buttocks, including the selection of fabric types that cause allergic reactions. (3) rarely change underwear, or do not change underwear even though it is time to be replaced. (4) lack of guarding and ensuring the cleanliness of the ass area. (5) wearing panties that are too tight to increase moisture and the potential of germs and bacteria to multiply rapidly. (6) washing panties in the wrong way and material, thus making detergents and fragrances still lagging, causing allergies or irritation. (7) irritation due to friction or other fakor, making it exposed and infected with germs and bacteria, including hair follicle problems that close and cause blockage.

7 Ways to Eliminate Acne and Blackheads in Buttocks

To remove acne or blackheads on the buttocks, there are several ways you can do. 7 ways to get rid of pimples and blackheads on the buttocks is worth your try at home.

1. Compress with Warm Towel

You can compress your ass with a warm towel with a prone position for 10-15 minutes. High temperatures can help the pores dilate, with a slightly open pore, blackheads and dirt that may clog pores and cause acne you can remove. [1] After you compress your ass, use the towel to rub and clean your butt or your butt. You can also use scrubs or fabrics with a rougher surface if necessary. But note, do not let it make you skin surface irritated.

2. Acne Removal Soap

Currently, there are soap products with special content such as sulfur , salicylic acid , benzoyl peroxide , or fruit and vegetable extracts that help fight acne and its signs circulating in the market. [2] Not only in pharmacies, but also minimarkets near your home. For that, use acne soap remover at the time of shower, be sure to rub the buttocks thoroughly to remove acne in the buttocks. Acne remover soap is also safe for use on the whole body (except face, use special soap) including to remove acne on the back and chest.

3. Ointment or Lotion After Shower

If option 2 is less and does not make a significant difference, you can use ointment or lotion with special ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide , salicylic acid , alpha hydroxy acid, or tretinoin to treat and treat acne on your buttocks. Before using ointment or lotion, make sure your ass skin condition is completely dry. Apply thoroughly on your butt, wait until the ointment / lotion soak and continue with underwear.

4. Consumption of Antibiotics

Consult your acne problem with a dermatologist to ascertain if your acne and blackheads problem requires intake of antibiotics in pill form. Consumption of antibiotics that are not based on necessity will only make your body immune to antibiotics, and it is not recommended. Conversely, if your doctor recommends taking some antibiotic tablets, do as recommended and prescribed. Even if the acne and blackheads have disappeared completely before the recommended time, keep the prescribed antibiotic consumption to prevent acne and blackheads coming back. [3]

5. Consumption of Tartar Cream

Mix one tablespoon of tartar cream with a glass of mineral water. This mixture can help optimize the process of expelling toxins in the body. If you can not stand the taste, mix the tartar cream with fruit juice. Consume regularly a day in a few months until the acne on the buttocks or butt is completely gone. If you are a Muslim, kosher or haramnya tartar cream is still a debate. Generally, tartar cream is obtained from the process of making wine (wine intoxicating). However, tartar cream or also known as Tartaric Acid can also be made without going through the process of fermentation. If you are in doubt, look for a tartar cream product labeled kosher. [4]

6. Steroid injections

Steroid steroids are usually done if you have some acne stones in the buttocks  that are very painful and make it difficult for you to move normally. Steroid steroids can shrink swelling of acne stones in the buttocks and reduce pain less than a day. However, in order to perform steroid injections you should go to a dermatologist, consult, and the doctor will decide whether you need steroid injections to remove acne on your buttocks or simply take any kind of oral or topical antibiotics. [5]

7. Masks and Other Treatments

If some of the ways above you have tried and give less significant results, you can also try alternative treatments to treat acne in your ass or ass with a fairly easy. You can start by using an aspirin mask , lemon or lime juice, natural oils such as olives, tea tree oil, or dzarirah oil . If the acne on your buttocks often cause pain that makes it difficult for you to move, try to compress the acne on your butt or your butt by using a block of ice. A block of ice will help to ease the pain, prevent further swelling, and quickly remove acne.

7 Ways to Prevent Acne and Blackheads on Buttocks

If you have managed to get rid of acne in your buttocks or your buttocks, then the most important thing you should do is to take care of your buttocks so that the pimples and blackheads do not reappear. Related to this, there are some treatments that you can do or use to get a beautiful ass free of acne and blackheads.

1. Make sure to clean your butt by always rubbing the area with soap thoroughly during bath. Good shower in the morning, or in the afternoon.

2. Use underwear that is quite loose and not too tight. Tight panties can make your skin breathe easier, and make the area around the buttocks and selangkagan not too damp and wet so it can reduce the risk of the formation of acne and blackheads.

3. Make sure to exfoliate to remove dirt and dead skin cells that could potentially cause blockages by occasionally using scrubs or scrubbing with a coarse texture but still acceptable to the skin and not causing irritation. Do this a maximum of twice a week.

4. If you use toilet paper, use soft toilet paper and have no odor or fragrance . Rough toilet wipes and or have fragrances have great potential to cause friction, irritate, and cause allergic reactions.

5. Change your underwear if it is really dirty or too damp , for example after a sport or activity that makes you spend a lot of sweat. Do not wait for a day or two until you finally decide to change your underwear.

6.In washing clothes or underwear, make sure the rest of the detergent is not left on the clothes. If you use a fragrance or fabric softener, make sure you do not have a history of allergy to the product in question. Remaining detergent and fragrances on fragrances or fabric softener can make your buttocks or buttocks irritated, causing acne .

7. Expand the consumption of fruits and vegetables, avoid fatty foods or junk food, adequate mineral water and if necessary take some multivitamin tablets / capsules containing vitamins A, B5, C, E, Selenium, Zinc and Super Omega 3 [6] which is well known for skin health and prevents the formation of acne and blackheads from within.

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