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Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight

Do Laxatives Help You Lose Weight - Laxatives are drugs used to help the bowel movement. Many people use laxatives to help you lose weight. They believe that by using laxatives, the calories will go straight through the digestive tract without being absorbed.


Using laxatives to control weight is a form of abuse.
It is also a bad idea and contains many risks. Here are the misconceptions and risks of using laxatives as weight loss.

1. Purgatives do not stop the absorption of calories

All the calories and nutrients consumed will be absorbed by the small intestine. The rest of the food then moves into the colon to be removed.

The laxatives only work in the colon. So, calories remain absorbed by the small intestine so as not to lower the levels of calories absorbed by the body.

2. The effect of temporary weight loss

Laxatives cause temporary weight loss in the form of water, minerals, and fiber. The weight loss caused by laxatives is caused by dehydration. After the body gets water intake again, the weight will return to the previous position.

3. Resulting in heart damage

Water levels and minerals that continue to fall due to the use of laxatives will disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body.

The body uses electrolytes for muscle contraction. Disruption of electrolyte balance will affect all the muscle functions, including the heart.

4. Causing dependence

Laxatives work to accelerate natural contractions of the colon. The use of laxatives in the long run will make the colon becomes "lazy" and can no longer contract naturally.
Not only that, the body will charge higher laxative doses to produce bowel movements.

5. Causes damage to the colon

In addition to the colon being "lazy", long term laxative abuse can also cause irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal infections. Laxative abuse is thought to contribute to colon cancer as well.

Weight Loss Healthy

There are several healthy ways to lose weight, one of which is increasing fiber intake.
Fiber creates a feeling of natural satiety, so there is less food to consume.
In addition, fiber contributes positively to the health of the digestive tract by stimulating intestinal natural contractions. 

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