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How To Get Rid Of Acne For Good

How to get rid of acne starts from our daily habits.
Who does not want to have smooth skin ? Not only women, men around me also have the same needs. Simply, in their eyes, skin type describes the figure is healthy and maintain cleanliness. In addition, healthy skin also makes the appearance much more attractive, whatever our skin color.

Unfortunately, as smooth as a person's skin, there must be a time when one or two acne have stopped by. Including me; the most exasperated when these breakouts appear suddenly at the moment will be attending an important event.

The location of acne shows our health condition

Entering the age of adolescence, acne is a condition that can not be avoided.

How to get rid of acne at this age is like the advice that keeps ringing in the ear, so often we hear it: diligently cleaning the face.

However, what about the condition of facial acne when the age is above 20? According to Chinese medicine in the past, the location of acne around the face turned out to describe the health condition of our body at that time.

More details, the area of ​​acne is believed to specifically represent the inside of the body where the problem. For example, when menstruation, usually appear acne on our chin. This is due to hormonal imbalance-which is a common problem-that lasted during this period of womanhood.

For other acne areas, consider the following infographic :

Why do not everyone get breakouts?

Some people are prone to breakouts, some people do not.
In fact, people who are easy to break out this has a great habit that is often missed by me, which is diligent to cleanse the face after the move.

So, why yes some people are very easy to break out? Apparently this is because the strain of bacteria that causes acne Propionibacterium Acnes (or commonly called P. Acnes ) that exist on each facial skin surface of different people.

Some of the bacteria P. Acnes is thought to be useful , which is able to make the skin healthy and not acne by attacking bad bacteria that appear on the surface of dirty skin.

Is there a way to get rid of acne forever?

The good is news is ... the answer is there!

When the condition of facial acne is getting worse and appear alternately, you should consult a dermatologist for further treatment.

While undergoing treatment under physician observation, from our side must also be determined to change lifestyle and habits that are healthier and hygienic. It is this habit that will keep our graduation and, ahem, glow our facial skin.

What should we do-and always try?

  1. Make sure to clean face before bed. This includes when we are not wearing makeup . Because there is always dirt that sticks to our face, though not visible to the eye.
  2. Apply face with lemon juice for 30 minutes . Use cotton and place it on the face surface. After that, rinse with clean water.
  3. Clean eating . Get used to eating healthy foods, especially those containing antioxidants such as broccoli, tomatoes, apples, oranges, nuts, green tea ... and guess what, coffee as well! Reduce also fried foods and sweet foods. Yeah, the last one is really hard!
  4. Enough sleep at night . Stay up late to make the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) increase. Increasing this hormone can also lead to acne.
  5. Do not forget the intake of "good fat"! Yup, good fat or good fats found in avocado, olive oil, and fish high in omega-3 fatty acids are efficacious reduce inflammation in the body-also the skin!

Ready to greet your new smooth face?

In essence, smooth skin can not be got away from birth without being treated, or just rely on expensive moisturizing cream creations. Because basically, healthy facial skin and glowing is a reflection of our daily lifestyle.

So, which tips will you go first?

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