IBX5980432E7F390 Like Traveling? Let's Go 5 New Tourist Attraction in Yogyakarta Indonesia! - Lifestyle


Like Traveling? Let's Go 5 New Tourist Attraction in Yogyakarta Indonesia!

Talking about tourist destinations in Indonesia, surely you will immediately remember the name of Yogyakarta. Yes, Jogja is a small town full of memories that can not be forgotten. And to be recognized, the development of tourism in this city is like mushrooms in the rainy season. If you plan to return to this gudeg city during the holidays later this year, please visit 5 new spots that Instagramable.

Kalibiru Kulonprogo

Kalibiru Kulonprogo
Sightseeing in the form of a substation of view is located in the Village Hargowilis, Kokap, Kulonprogo, just above the reservoir sermo. The sight of the reservoirs that are surrounded by hills looks so special from Kalibiru. Especially if you come during the morning or late afternoon, but get ready to queue yes. Entrance fee is only 3 thousand rupiah, but if you take pictures on the substation of view will be charged an additional cost of 5 thousand rupiah. Cheap, right?

Bukit Lintang Sewu

Lintang Sewu

If you come to this cultural city with the idol of the heart, do not forget to take pictures at this epic instagramable spot, ShopBackers. If you want to get the best photos, please take photos when the sun has started to fall. Guaranteed, surely the result is more beautiful and memorable romantic. Bukit Lintang Sewu is in the area Mangunan, Dlingo, Bantul. So when did you go there with him?

Pundong Japanese Cave

Administratively, the Cave of Japan Pundong is located in two districts, namely Bantul and Gunungkidul. From here, you can enjoy the beauty of Parangtritis beach from different angles. Pundong Cave of Japan is right in Poyahan, Seloharjo, Pundong is indeed not getting the attention of tourists, both domestic and foreign. This is because many people prefer to enjoy the waves Parangtritis than come here. In fact, here too there are giant shoe flowers that you can memperinin to take pictures in the middle, you know! Unique, yes!

Mojo Hill Gumelem

Although actually Bukit Mojo Gumelem has existed for a long time, but this one tourist attraction is just beginning ogled at the beginning of 2017. Having a concept like Bukit Panguk Kediwung and Jurang Tembelan, this destination presents a very unique photo spots, which are birds and sunflowers. What makes it more unique, within a period of four months, his selfie spot will change, so it will not make the visitors bored. However, you should visit this unique place if the rainy season is over. You do not want it, have come all the way even rain and can not enjoy the beauty and take pictures here?

 Watu Goyang

Just like Bukit Lintang Sewu, this new category of tourism is located in the Mangunan area. Watu Goyang sells selfie spots that are quite unique because they are helicopters. Not only that, there is also a large rock on the edge of the cliff as a place to enjoy the panorama of the mountains. Well, the big rock is called Watu Goyang.

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