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9 ways to get rid of Back Acne naturally and fast

How to get rid of back acne - Acne can actually appear in the body anywhere as long as have glands that produce oil or hair follicles are also called. One of the most frequently targeted areas is the back.

Like the facial skin, our back actually has oil glands. Excessive oil production mixed with dead skin cells and bacteria can be one cause of acne on the back. ( Read also: Types Of Acne Scars)

The presence of acne on the back obviously makes us feel uncomfortable, especially if the emergence of that type of acne stone that causes inflammation. So, how to get rid of back acne it?

How To Overcome Acne On The Back Naturally Quickly

1. Lemon fruit

Did you know about lemons? Yup, orange-like fruit is actually you can use to treat back acne naturally.

Lemon enriched with acid content that can refresh the skin as well as remove excessive oil. If the oil is reduced then automatically back acne will soon disappear. Do not believe?

How to get rid of back acne with lemon:
  • Squeeze one fresh lemon
  • Make sure the back area is clean, you can take a shower before using
  • After finished bathe use cotton to apply lemon juice was evenly throughout the acne
  • Let stand for about 30 minutes to absorb. Usually will appear a little bit sore, but it's natural later also lost itself
  • When already pervasive rinse with warm water until completely clean.

2. Orange peel

From now on do not get rid of orange peel yes. You can use it as a natural scrub to remove back acne.

Scrub is useful to help remove dead skin cells, dirt, and the remaining sweat pored in the pores. Regular use of scrubs is even good enough to brighten dull skin.

How to deal with back acne with orange peel:

  • Provide orange peel as necessary, then dry
  • Soak the orange peel into warm water, then blend until smooth
  • After finely mix with milk as necessary
  • Now apply it to the cleaned backs evenly. Gently rub for 2 minutes.
  • Allow to dry 30-60 minutes
  • End by rinsing it with warm water.

3. Perform regular scrubs

As I have mentioned above scrub is useful to remove dead skin cells and dirt in the pores. Perform regular scubing once a week for back acne to disappear immediately.

Actually not just orange peel aja hell you can use as a scrub material. Some natural ingredients such as sugar, honey, and coffee can be another alternative. Make sure you use the materials correctly. ( Read also: Ho to Treat Moderate Acne Vulgaris )

Remember : do not do too often because the scrub can cause skin irritation. 

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are fruits that contain high vitamin E. The content of this vitamin is very good for treating skin health, including one can get rid of acne back naturally. Use it regularly to get smooth spot free skin.

How to get rid of back acne with tomatoes:

  • Prepare fresh tomatoes as necessary
  • Blend with a blender
  • Apply evenly to the back
  • Let stand until dry and stiff
  • Rinse with warm water until clean.

5. Cucumber 

The nutrient content in the cucumber is almost the same as the tomatoes, it is also enriched with high vitamin E. Only difference cucumber has a higher water content that is useful to reduce the pain due to inflammation of acne.

How to get rid of acne on your back with cucumber:

  • Puree fresh cucumber as needed along with the skin and seeds
  • Make sure your back is clean
  • Next apply the cucumber griddle evenly throughout the back
  • Let stand until dry and stiff. After that rinse by using cold water until clean.

6. Aspirin

Do you know with aspirin? Yeah right, it's a fever-lowering drug. Apparently in addition to able to reduce aspirin fever can also treat stubborn acne lho, be it facial acne or back.

Some studies even prove aspirin has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the pain of inflammation.

How to remove back acne with aspirin:

  • Blend aspirin as necessary, for example 10 grains
  • Mix with a little water to form pasta-like dough
  • Apply it to the back area evenly that there is acne
  • Let stand for approximately 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water until clean.

7. Egg whites

Egg whites contain complete animal and mineral proteins that are nutritious enough to tighten facial skin . But in addition it turns out he was also enriched with anti-bacterial that can cope with back acne.

You can use egg whites as a mask after each shower to get the best results. How to make? Follow the following.

  • Prepare one egg, can chicken or duck
  • Remove the yolk. Then beat the egg whites until a little foam
  • Immediately apply the egg white evenly to the back of the acne
  • Allow for approximately one hour to absorb. After that rinse by using warm water until clean.

8. Keep skin clean

Keeping the skin clean is mandatory for those of you who have back acne. Be quick to take a bath after doing activities that cause a lot of sweat.

Make sure the bath soap you use is suitable for your skin type. Experts strongly recommend body soaps that contain anti-bacterial so that back acne can disappear immediately. ( Read also : Ho to Treat Baby Acne )

However, if it is not possible to take a bath, at least use a product containing salicylic acid to help refresh the skin and dissolve the excess oil.

9. Perform good skin care

Many people who do not know how to care for the right skin. This is what triggers them to have various skin problems such as panu, acne, warts, ulcers, dompo (herpes), and so on.

Do not get your precious skin exposed to these dangerous diseases. Read more about how to properly care for the skin that I have previously reviewed.

Actions That Can Exacerbate Acne

There are several actions that can aggravate your acne condition, such as:
1. Squeeze pimples

Never try to clean the acne by squeezing or massage it. Without sufficient knowledge, this kind of action will actually cause the appearance of acne scars permanently .
2. Too often clean the spotty area

Keeping skin clean is good. But if too often clean also less good. This can cause the skin more easily sensitive and exposed to irritation.
3. Use water too hot and too cold

Better to use water with moderate to warm temperatures in the bath. Using water that is too hot or too cold actually worsen the condition of acne that you experience.

The appearance of back acne can also be triggered because a person is adopting an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, like staying up late, smoking, drinking alcohol, etc. Therefore, in addition to applying the above tips you should also apply the right healthy way of life for optimal results. ( Read also : Ho to Ger Rid Of Acne For Good )

How easy is that? Those are some ways to get rid of back acne that you can try. Please choose one of the only natural ingredients that you find most convenient. Do not forget to share the results dikolom comments yes. Good luck.

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