IBX5980432E7F390 This Reasons Why Las Vegas Is Called The Marriage Capital Of The World - Lifestyle


This Reasons Why Las Vegas Is Called The Marriage Capital Of The World

Marriage is a new chapter of the life of someone who usually is not easy to take care of it. Most countries impose complicated requirements for bride and groom so they tend to choose another place to get married.

One of the countries that offers an easy marriage is Nevada, USA. Las Vegas, the city of the country, is known as the world's wedding capital.

Not only has the most number of weddings, Las Vegas also offers the most wedding variations. Launched from the page Vegas, Tuesday (3/10/2017), marriage certificates can be obtained at a cost of only 77 US Dollars in 2017.

The wedding procedure is also quite simple. You just need to fill out a form, submit a photocopy of identity, and pay. The marriage certificate will already be in hand within a few hours.

Terms of this marriage can be taken care of outside Las Vegas, even outside the United States. All you have to do is send forms, photocopies of identity, and pay.

Payments can be made in cash, check, until credit card. For credit card payments, you will be charged an additional 2 percent and USD 1.25.

Married Flash in Las Vegas

Each year, there are tens of thousands of couples married in Las Vegas. Even in 2013, recorded at least 80,000 weddings in Las Vegas. Reportedly now every month there are 10,000 married couples there.

Because of the busy schedule of weddings in Las Vegas, the marriage recording office there works from 8 am to midnight.

It's about marriage recording, for any celebration you can enjoy it in a romantic way. There are more than 16 wedding chapels in Las Vegas. There's also a drive-in wedding chapel, just like a drive-in movie theater across the United States.

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